When it comes to space design, it's advisable to ask the right questions upfront, just before you begin moving. You want to review the innovation of your home? You want to carry out major work or a redistribution of rooms for your apartment? Discover in this guide the solutions and advice for a successful decoration of your home and interior design. 

What are my needs and desires?

These two questions are essential. When you find the apartment of your dreams, it is tempting to rush to the mall to buy all the decoration and furniture you like. However, it is essential to list the furniture you already own and the furniture you are missing. Then, you can make another list with the decoration and furniture you would like to complete in order to indulge yourself with a less obligatory character. This action will not only give you the opportunity to set your priorities, but also to make important savings. In addition, it will also prevent you from finding yourself too cluttered when you arrive in your new living space. When it comes to bathrooms and toilets, designers and architects are creating beautiful, functional and modern bathrooms in a very small space. A space of 4 m² can be enough to give satisfaction to a couple. If you have children, it will be more practical to bet on a larger space, around 6 m². For much more information, please visit espace-decoration.fr.

Which furniture to choose?

Once you have determined your needs in a "general" way, you must adopt an analysis for each place. To do this, take a meter to measure the rooms of the future apartment one by one. This will allow you to select the right furniture for the different areas. In case it helps, try to make a diagram to better visualize the layout of the rooms and make sure not to forget to put the windows and doors. The 3D simulation is a practical way to plan. In small places, shallow and modular furniture can help you gain precious square meters. Also invest in multi-functional furniture such as wall cabinets, bookcases, convertible sofas or mirrors that double as closets in the shower. Many alternatives exist and could get you a lot of space. A well-appointed home has no wasted space. Also, think about the area you have between the ceiling and the top of the doors. This can also be used specifically for storage. 

What is my lifestyle?

A space that is easy to live in not only needs to be functional, but also and most importantly, enjoyable. Many will tend to imitate the design and layout they admire on the pages of decoration magazines. Doing so is always a mistake, though. Moreover, it is imperative that the layout of your apartment is adapted to your lifestyle and it corresponds to you. Do you cook a lot? Which spaces do you use the most? Do you need a work surface system? What are your habits? All of these questions need to be answered very precisely so that you feel comfortable in your home. It is important that you imagine yourself changing in the space so that you can see if the storage units are poorly placed or if furniture is in the way. Don't hesitate to visit and inspect your home several times when it is empty to get the best feel for the place. 

You wish to reconsider your interior layout?

Rooms with ideal dimensions for a comfortable and pleasant dwelling is what you need! Each room should meet your needs and have its own function. If the interior layout of the rooms depends, in most cases, on your way of living, the different minimum dimensions to be respected for the rooms in a contract of sale or rent have been determined by the decree n° 2002-120 dated January 30, 2002. The living room is a space where we like to spend time with friends or family and rest. Also, to be comfortable, it is estimated that it must be at least 20 square meters. However, note that it is from 30 square meters that you can put a sitting area and a space reserved for meals. As far as appliances, storage, worktops are concerned, the kitchen must be large. To be functional, the kitchen must be spacious. Therefore, it is recommended to consider a minimum surface of 10 square meters, which will give you the possibility to install several worktops or a central island. Of course, depending on your needs in terms of appliances and your taste for the kitchen, this surface can be rethought upwards.